Some private clients are not pleased to need an investigative firm in their lives. Our clients do, however, feel confident that our firm was the right choice.

When individuals find themselves in a situation requiring assistance from a private investigations firm, there will likely exist mixed emotions about the decision to hire one. From uncovering sensitive personal information to the investigation of a crime against you, none are easy for anyone to process.

Our investigators have not only had long careers, but they have also experienced the difficult times in life. We conduct private client investigations with the upmost consideration for the personal nature of many cases. From case inception to resolution and beyond – we maintain the strictest adherence to confidentiality laws.

Our professional investigators offer peace of mind when they represent clients
Intel Research Group Investigations will work to find the answers you seek

The private investigations team is comprised of hand-picked, former career law enforcement and military veterans. Although all investigators conduct a wide range of case types, each has several areas in which they hold highly specialized training and skills. Each private investigation client case is planned and staffed by a team best suited to reach case goals.

Please see the services below which are examples of those we often provide to our private investigation clients. If we can be of assistance and you wish to speak to an investigator confidentially, we would be pleased to discuss your case.